Change log for ContactInformationPublicService
Changes between 2_21 and 2_22
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
- activateContactConnection
- deleteAddressBookOfContact
- generateContactSupportToken
- getAddressBookByIds
- getAddressBookOfContact
- getAdvantagesFromCriteria
- getAllContactCriterion
- getBlockedEmails
- getContactCriterionValueOfContact
- listContactProducerOptIn
- saveAddressBookOfContact
- saveContactProducersConsent
- sendAccountVerificationEmail
- sendConsentEmail
- submitProducerConsent
- updateContactFinancialAuthority
- updateContactStructureLink
- updateFinancialBankMandateData
- validateContactConnectionToken
- validateSupportContactToken
- verifyContactEmail
Added Parameters in searchContactByCriteria
- contactTextSearches : Optional. Search will try to find which meet requirements of all contactTextSearches
- includeOnlyOrphanStructures : Optional. If true, search only contacts with no parent contact number. If not defined, set to false and all contacts are retrieved.
- parentStructureContactNumber : Optional. Specify the contactNumber for the parent structure which the search results will be limited.
Removed Parameters from searchContactByCriteria
Added fields in AudienceCategoryPriceLevel
- membershipSupportPartnerOrganization
Added fields in AuthorizationData
Added fields in ContactConnection
Added fields in ContactDataResult
- contactBallotData
- contactPermission
- dateLastModified
Added fields in CulturalContactData
- isRequiredAccountVerificationEmail : This field use to required perform action send verification email. If not defined, set to false.
Added fields in ExternalContactCriterionDefinitionData
- availableOnPOS
- internalName
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- bicNumber
- blocked
- contactBlockedReasonCode
- email1VerificationStatus : Status of the email verification. Possible values : UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED
- ibanNumber
- isRequiredAccountVerificationEmail : This field use to required perform action send verification email. If not defined, set to false.
- isVerifiedEmail : Status to check if the email is verified or not.
Added fields in StructureContactData
- email1VerificationStatus : Status of the email verification. Possible values : UNVERIFIED, VERIFIED
- isRequiredAccountVerificationEmail : This field use to required perform action send verification email. If not defined, set to false.
- isVerifiedEmail : Status to check if the email is verified or not.
Changes between 2_20 and 2_21
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
Added Parameters in fastContactSearch
Added Parameters in getContactData
- contactHash : The hash value associated with the contact data. Provide this one of the contact number
Added Parameters in saveIndividualContactData
- doubleOptInForAuthorizations : If set to true, authorizations accepted by the contact will be marked to true only
after he/she has received an email and clicked on the confirmation link.
Removed Parameters from fastContactSearch
Added fields in ContactAddressData
Added fields in IndividualContactData
Added fields in StructureContactData
- badgeIdentifier : Badge identifier. Optional field
- structureEuropeanVatCode
Changes between 2_19 and 2_20
Changes between 2_18 and 2_19
Changes between 2_17 and 2_18
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- individualFirstnamePhonetic
- individualLastnamePhonetic
Added fields in LocalityCriterionElement
Changes between 2_16 and 2_17
Added fields in AudienceCategoryPriceLevel
- partnerOrganizationName
- priceLevelCode
Added fields in ContactDataResult
- invalidatedContactQualities
Added fields in ContactQuality
Added fields in IndividualContactData
Changes between 2_15 and 2_16
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
- getAvailableLocalityCriterionElements
- saveStructureContacts
- saveStructureMembers
Added Parameters in saveIndividualContactData
- fullSocialConnections
- socialConnections
Added Parameters in saveStructureContactData
- contactConnections
- fullContactConnections
Added Parameters in searchContactByCriteria
Removed Parameters from saveStructureMember
- campaignTracker : tracker for tracing the campaign that lead to the contact creation
- pointOfSalesId : Optional.
Added fields in ContactAddressData
- faxNumber : Fax number. E164 format. +41214232222
- localityCriteriaElements : Optional
- phoneNumber1 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber2 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber3 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
Added fields in ContactDataResult
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- cellPhoneNumber : Cell phone number, internationalized. E164 format. +41797894554
- faxNumber : Fax number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber1 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber2 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber3 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
Added fields in StructureContactData
- cellPhoneNumber : Cell phone number, internationalized. E164 format. +41797894554
- faxNumber : Fax number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber1 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber2 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
- phoneNumber3 : Phone number. E164 format. +41214232222
Added fields in StructureMemberContactResult
- addresses
- authorizations
- contactConnections
- contactCriteria
Removed fields from ContactAddressData
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
Removed fields from IndividualContactData
- internationalPrefixCellPhone
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberCellPhone
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
Removed fields from StructureContactData
- internationalPrefixCellPhone
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberCellPhone
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
Changes between 2_14 and 2_15
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
- getAvailableContactIndicators
Added Parameters in saveIndividualContactData
- contactOrigin : Specify the origin of contact
- individualPhotoData : contains the photo of the individual. If passed as null, nothing is changed. If individual contains
empty filename, photo is removed. Else photo is updated.
Added fields in AudienceCategoryPriceLevel
Added fields in ContactAddressData
Added fields in ContactConnection
Added fields in ContactDataResult
- contactOrigin
- individualPhotoData
Added fields in IndicatorData
Removed fields from ContactAddressData
- street1
- street2
- street3
- street4
Removed fields from ContactDataResult
Changes between 2_13 and 2_14
Added fields in ContactDataResult
Added fields in ExternalContactCriterionDefinitionData
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- addressSalutation
- confidentialityLevelEnum
- handicapType
- isActive
- letterSalutation
- remark
Added fields in StructureContactData
- addressSalutation
- community
- confidentialityLevelEnum
- letterSalutation
- parentStructureContactNumber
- remark
Changes between 2_12 and 2_13
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
Added fields in AudienceCategoryPriceLevel
- movementEndDate : Movement end date, it's set in case of membership to store the membership end validity
- movementStartDate : Movement start date, it's set in case of membership to store the membership start validity
Added fields in ContactDataResult
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- isGuest
- role : Optional. Contact role. If not defined, set to PUBLIC.
Added fields in StructureContactData
- role : Optional. Structure role. If not defined, set to PUBLIC.
Changes between 2_11 and 2_12
Added fields in ContactAddressData
Added fields in ContactAdvantageData
Changes between 2_10 and 2_11
Added Parameters in saveIndividualContactData
- contactConnections : connections to add to the created/updated contact
- fullContactConnections : if true, the provided contact connections is the entire list of connections for this contact, o.w.
they connections will be updated with the provided list
Added Parameters in searchContactByCriteria
- contactConnections
- contactDetails
Changes between 2_8 and 2_10
Removed methods from ContactInformationPublicService
- getAuthorizations
- getCommunicationMeans
- getContactAddresses
- getContactCriteria
- getIndicators
- saveAuthorizations
- saveCommunicationMeans
- saveContactAddresses
- saveContactCriteria
- saveNickname
Added Parameters in saveIndividualContactData
- addresses
- authorizations : Optional, the list of authorizations
- campaignTrackerId : the tracker id of the campaign associated with this account creation (null if none)
- contactNumber : Optional : the contact number. If empty, a new contact is created.
- externalContactCriterionData
- fullAddresses
- fullAuthorizations
- fullContactCriteria
Added Parameters in saveStructureContactData
- addresses
- administrativeNumbers
- authorizations
- contactNumber : TODO
- externalContactCriterionData
- fullAddresses
- fullAuthorizations
- fullContactCriteria
Added Parameters in saveStructureMember
- campaignTracker : tracker for tracing the campaign that lead to the contact creation
Added fields in ContactAddressData
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
Added fields in ContactAdvantageData
Added fields in ContactDataResult
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- endValidityDate
- endValidityReason
- individualCountryCode
- individualIdNumber
- internationalPrefixCellPhone
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberCellPhone
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
Added fields in StructureContactData
- alternativeEmails
- email
- internationalPrefixCellPhone
- internationalPrefixFax
- internationalPrefixPhone1
- internationalPrefixPhone2
- internationalPrefixPhone3
- nationalNumberCellPhone
- nationalNumberFax
- nationalNumberPhone1
- nationalNumberPhone2
- nationalNumberPhone3
- primaryContactId
Removed fields from ContactDataResult
Changes between 2_7 and 2_8
Added methods in ContactInformationPublicService
Added Parameters in fastContactSearch
Added Parameters in saveAuthorizations
- authorizations : Mandatory, the list of authorizations
Removed Parameters from saveAuthorizations
Added fields in AudienceCategoryPriceLevel
Added fields in ContactDataResult
Added fields in ContactFileHistoryCriteria
- shippingContact : Search for contacts who are shipping contacts of a file owned by fileOwnerContactNumber
Added fields in FinancialData
- agreementReference
- agreementSigningDate
- bic
- iban
Added fields in IndividualContactData
- alternativeEmails
- digestedPassword
- encryptedPassword
- loginCreation