Change log for ProductionPublicService
Changes between 1_17 and 1_18
Added methods in ProductionPublicService
- createReprintShipmentWithCulturalContact
- getVouchersByCriteria
- markTicketsAsPrintedOk
Added Parameters in getThermalPrintableTickets
- markTicketsAsPrinted : boolean parameter to control if the tickets should be marked as printed or not by default
Changes between 1_16 and 1_17
Added methods in ProductionPublicService
- contingentsChanged
- createReprintShipmentWithCollectionDateTime
- getReusableVouchers
Added fields in ShipmentOptions
- documentToSendIdsPrintCollect
- immediate
- printConfiguredDocumentsCheckbox
- skipShipmentModeCheck
Added fields in TicketResaleData
- companionTicketId
- companionUnitAmount
Added fields in TicketResaleSeat
- companion
- companionTicketResaleId
- resaleAdvantageIds
- ticketResaleId
- withCompanion
- withoutCompanion
Changes between 1_15 and 1_16
Added fields in ShipmentOptions
Added fields in TicketResaleSeat
Changes between 1_14 and 1_15
Added methods in ProductionPublicService
Added fields in PrintableTicketData
Changes between 1_13 and 1_14
Added fields in PrintableTicketData
- cardVisualId
- containerIdentifier
- state
- taxNumber
- ticketSupport
Changes between 1_12 and 1_13
Added Parameters in getTicketsToResell
- privateBucketIdentifier : Identifier (as a string) of the bucket in which the private resales are stored. If empty means general public.
Added Parameters in resellTickets
- privateBucketIdentifier : Identifier (as a string) of the bucket in which the private resales are stored. If empty means general public.
Changes between 1_10 and 1_12
Added methods in ProductionPublicService
- getCards
- getThermalPrintableTickets
Added fields in TicketResaleSeat
Changes between 1_9 and 1_10
Added Parameters in loadTicketsOnCard
- cardLoadingQuestions : list of answers for questions required by the card type (Eg. SWISSPASS requires zip code)
Removed Parameters from loadTicketsOnCard
- cardTypeId : specify the chosen card type id(optional for loading on Badge cards but mandatory for RFID cards).
Added fields in ShipmentOptions
Added fields in TicketBeneficiaryData
- beneficiaryBirthPlace
- beneficiaryBirthRegion