Service: QuestionnaireService
Version: 1_29 (other versions, change log, ZUMSTEIN_V4.4-SNAPSHOT) Deprecated. This version is frozen and still supported.
SOAP Demo endpoint:
To get the endpoint for your own institution, replace "myinstit" (just after https://) in the url by your own institution code.
For further documentation and examples, please check in Platform Website.
Method to the answers for a questionnaire linked to the given movement
ticketIds | List of Long | |
movementIds | List of Long | |
Return value
QuestionnaireAnswerResult |
answerQuestionnaire | List of AnswerQuestionnaire | |
requestId | Integer | |
statusCode | String (8) | |
statusDetail | String | |
AnswerQuestion |
answerCodes | List of String | |
questionCode | String (8) | |
BeneficiaryInfo |
beneficiaryBirthPlace | String | |
beneficiaryBirthRegion | String | |
beneficiaryBirthdate | Date | |
beneficiaryCountryCode | String (8) | |
beneficiaryFirstname | String | |
beneficiaryIdNumber | String | |
beneficiaryLastname | String | |
Method to the answers for a questionnaire linked to the given movement
questionnaireIds | List of Long | |
Return value
QuestionnairesResult |
questionnaires | List of Questionnaire | |
questions | List of Question | |
requestId | Integer | |
statusCode | String (8) | |
statusDetail | String | |
QuestionnaireQuestion |
mandatoryAnswer | boolean | |
questionId | Long | |
rank | Integer | |
Question |
answerElements | List of AnswerElement | |
autoCopiedAnswer | boolean | |
code | String (8) | |
defaultAnswer | String | |
externalName | ExternalName | 60 characters max for each translation |
id | Long | |
internalName | ExternalName | 60 characters max for each translation |
AnswerElement |
code | String (8) | |
defaultValue | boolean | |
externalName | ExternalName | 60 characters max for each translation |
id | Long | |
internalName | ExternalName | 60 characters max for each translation |
rank | Integer | |
Translation |
locale | String (2) | |
value | String | |